At the age of two years - no kidding - Yara somehow convinced her mother to take her to the local mom & child singing group. Thus, she wanted to start singing even before her linguistic skills were fully developed! While we are not sure if she always got the pitch right at that age, it’s obvious now that starting early paid off.
Yara is still grateful to her parents, who never hesitated to drive her to any place where she could sing. Which was probably a Win/Win, as Yara could sing while her parents enjoyed the silence at home. You won’t be surprised to hear that her favorite subject at school was music, rather than maths or reading and writing. In second grade, she was proud to get a solo part in a school musical, playing the star role on stage to delight the audience. On that occasion, it became clear to her that singing would always be essential in her life.
For Yara, it has always been the most natural way of expressing herself. “From childhood, through adolescence, all the way to adulthood, the only one thing that has never changed is my passion for singing”, she says. At the age of 16, she started taking one-to-one singing lessons, to further develop her skills.
Four years later, she is now ready to start a solo career, releasing her first track to the world: “Sliding Down a Rainbow”. A song rich of ingenuity, creativity and poetry - which we think perfectly matches and reflects her personality. Enjoy it and stay tuned for more to come.
“My soul wants to sing. Singing is the nutrition it needs.” Yara Makani
Yara Makani
c/o EASY Recording
Moosmatt 25
8905 Arni AG